FSI Proud to be working with our FM clients supporting the NHS in the fight against Covid-19
FSI are very proud to be supporting our clients who have been given the heavy responsibility of managing the facilities, services and associated maintenance of the major field hospitals swiftly being constructed up and down the country, in the fight against COVID-19.
As part of our commitment, FSI have configured and made available, a free, purpose-built SaaS deployment of our core Enterprise IWMS solution, Concept Evolution. This deployment has been configured to address the specific requirements of the range of services to be provided, which include, but are not limited to, Reactive tasks, Portering, Cleaning and Catering.
Linked into our FSIGO range of mobile workforce solutions, and our Integrated Service Module (ISM) which is designed for the delivery of high volumes of tasks in a short window, we have provided a built for purpose solution.
We are pleased to say that the speed of our response and tailored deployment has been acknowledged with praise and gratitude from our loyal clients, who already use FSI systems for their major Health contracts.
Our professional services team has drawn upon their knowledge of the sector to configure a system with all the necessary data to allow rapid mobilisation. Given the “shoulders to the wheel” nature of this unique requirement, FSI drew on the expertise of all areas of our organisation, with a “whatever it takes” approach, in order to meet the challenge.
FSI has provided a ring-fenced Concept Evolution environment, focused solely on this specific and unprecedented requirement, free of data from the “business as usual” Concept enterprise environments used by each of these clients.
Whilst we are all looking for an early solution to this challenge, FSI have ensured the solution we have built is capable of scaling to encompass any requirement and look forward to playing our part in getting us all back to a normal existence.
Visit the FSI website at ????? for more.
About FSI
Established in 1990, FSI is a global-leader in CAFM / IWMS solutions, with headquarters in the UK, offices in Australia, Dubai, Hong Kong and Canada, plus an international partner network. The portfolio includes Concept Evolution CAFM / IWMS, Concept Advantage Workplace apps, and FSI GO Mobile Workforce apps.
For further enquiries please contact:
Sally Wotton Marketing Manager FSI